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…what the end will be (Roundabout’s Laura Pels) Terry Parker- gay, middle-aged, suddenly single and not yet acclimated to a world that has moved on without him – begins a journey of self-realization. There will be staged performances at Rattlestick starting June 2 of “All the Lonely Women” by playwright Inez Braun of Argentina, described as a queer fairytale about the strangeness of looking for love during the pandemic.Ī play by Dutch playwright Kees Roorda based on the true story of the killing of an unarmed 17-year-old, Rishi Chandrikasing, in a train station in The Hague in 2012. This 12-day festival, in its third year, focuses on works by immigrant artists, with offerings both in person and online. Global Forms Theater Festival (Rattlestick) This calendar is organized chronologically by opening date*, but we must consider the dates tentative (likely to change), because the pandemic is ongoing and unpredictable.

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